What are Mastery Paths?

Mastery Paths is an optional Canvas feature allowing you to assign coursework based on readiness as determined by students' performance on a Canvas Quiz.

Why should I use Mastery Paths? 

In a word, differentiation. Mastery Paths allows you to customize learning experiences for students based on performance. You can enable Mastery Paths to automatically assign coursework based on the score achieved for a previous assignment. This provides multiple opportunities to show and achieve mastery in a course.

Access Mastery Path

Mastery Paths begin from the scores on a Canvas Quiz. They can be accessed from the settings page of a Canvas New Quiz.

Mastery Path Location

How to I set-up a Mastery Paths?

Mastery Paths are set off of the student's score on the Canvas Quiz. Once you set the desired score groups, you click on the + to add the Canvas assignments that each group will complete.

Mastery Path Fields

Please see any Instructional Technology Team member for more details about getting started with Mastery Paths in your classroom. (Schedule appointment)